Add a restaurant

Use this form to add a restaurant to our website.

Please pay attention to the correct spelling and correct use of capital letters.

Requests that do not comply with this will automatically disappear from the website over the course of time.

Some tips:

  • Names of companies, streets, cities, ... have capitals. For example: Gent.
  • Never put entire words in CAPITALS.
  • Use spaces and other symbols to make phone numbers clearer. For example: +32 (0) 485 123 456.
  • Check the website’s URL and the email address for the correct spelling (including http:// and @) so that these can be correctly linked.
  • Note down the hours of operation per day as follows:
    09h00 - 12h00 & 13h00 - 23h00
    and indicate the closed days with ‘closed’.


Restaurant information

{ restaurant-toevoegen-captcha }
Hours of operation
{ restaurant-toevoegen-locatie }
